I-2022: Aonani

Owned by AzaleaFox1994

Aonani means 'Beautiful Light'

True to the meaning of her name, Aonani is a soft spoken, kind drakiri who is willing to give a helping hoof. But despite her lady nature doesn't mean she's a total push over, as the saying goes, if one push her then she will fight back 10 times more force like her father.

From the day of her birth Aonani felt that there is something much more to her world then it seems and a desire to explore for her hearts content, trying to find what is truly calling her.

So during her training Aonani hoped she search what her heart calls out to..

She has met her elder brother Titania the King of the Fairies only a very rare occasions and form a distinct yet respect sibling relationship for her bother. It is unknown how their relationship is..

((More to be put later))