I-175: Asteto

Owned by Rílaméth

Personality: Calm and easygoing, Astétó enjoys the quiet, cool nights where everyone is asleep. Preferring to be alone, he gets uncomfortable around large groups, contrary to the sociability of most Drakiri. Easily hiding in the darkness thanks to his dark coat, Astétó usually finds himself a quiet, cool spot to rest out the day, coming out long after dusk. He's quite friendly if you ever meet him, however, though if the two of you talk for more than an hour, he will long to leave and have some time and space to himself. Astétó prefers to be alone with his thoughts, and feels drained and cluttered when around others for too long.

The word "Astétó" comes from my conlang (Constructed Language), Izhéra, and means "star."

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