I-1735: Zethas

Owned by Artha-Demon

He could spend all day just staring at the wall in deep thought. His mind often wanders. He has an incredibly chill and curious nature. He has been exposed to otherworldly horrors in his life, but not much rattles him. Not even Eldritch horrors.

He hasn't got a lot of useful skills. He wishes he did, though.

He can sometimes come across as "Fake Deep", because he finds absolutely everything super significant in some way. He could look down at a coin on the ground and go on to say "Wow.... that coin is face down, just like all of us when we choose to hide our true face from the world... What are we afraid of? Judgement? Wen we finally flip ourselves over and see the face underneath... will we like what we see? Hiding alone, back to the world, afraid to be vulnerable. But coins are made of metal, and are more resiliant than one might think. One may get a scratch here and there, but if we would just take a chance, we could be so much stronger than we realize. All we have to do is show our face to the world."

Most who know him are used to this.

While he doesn't like to admit it, he has a deep fear of not having any influence or impact on the world and being entirely forgotten. A meaningless blip in the expanse of time. He believes that you continue to exist as long as you are remembered, but cease to exist when you are forgotten. As such, he desparately wants to be meaningful and memorable. Not just so he isn't forgotten, but because he really cares about the world around him.