I-163: Ealaíne

Owned by Rílaméth

Personality: She is playful, easygoing, and helpful, if easily distracted. Ealaíne loves to climb and explore, but her adventurer's spirit has to compete with her love of books and reading. She loves the sea and enjoys cool mornings, often up before the sun rises so that she can watch the coming dawn. Ealaíne is not so fond of sternness, harsh words, or strict rules, and will go out of her way to avoid these and areas of conflict. She doesn't take well to stress, and her natural instinct is to hide when things get difficult or messy. Still, perhaps one day she will learn how to overcome her timid nature and stand up for herself and others.

Extras: "Ealaíne" is literally a word in Gaelic that means "art." I couldn't find anything else that seemed to fit, though her working name was "Snowdust" and for a while I contemplated "Arctic Water" and "Arctic Sea."

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