I-1366: Dyuetto

Owned by Rílaméth

Wary, nervous, and somewhat shy until he gets to know you, Dyuetto is cagey about his past and prefers to speak as little of it as he can get away with. He is kind and empathic, often going out of his way to help the lost find their way back home when they wander into his territory.

Though quite capable of fighting if he has to - and is a fierce, agile, and ruthless warrior when pressed - he strongly prefers to avoid conflict, being a pacifist at heart who was born into the art of war. When provoked, he usually resorts to teleportation and sing-song taunts to drive an oppressor to distraction - and off a cliff, if necessary. The only times Dyuetto will go on the offence is if his or another's life is in danger, or someone attempts to control him or someone close to him.

Quite melodic when he speaks, he's careful of how he phrases his words in conversation, worried that his tone might be perceived as mocking otherwise. Dyuetto has a very strong affinity for fire, but is also quite adept at electricity and ice as well, exceptionally capable with elemental attacks. He also loves to fly, and spends most of his time on the wing.

Has a habit of throwing a more powerful version of an enemy's attack back at them, as a nonverbal taunt.

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