I-1282: Stormcast

Owned by Rílaméth

Gender: Agender.

Personality: Cold, calm, and distant to most, Stormcast has issues with empathy and difficulty being social. He rarely engages in small talk primarily because he has no idea how, and much of the time he either remains silent or speaks of things he is more familiar with - which isn't much, as his retrograde amnesia has made many common subjects into mysteries to him. Stormcast also temporarily suffered from anterograde amnesia - the inability to form new memories - but has been recovering, and now is merely somewhat forgetful rather than forgetting almost everything new.

Stormcast is heavily cybernetic, having been found by a stranger when dying from severely infected wounds and then augmented as the way to save his life, then abandoned Stormcast the moment he was stable on his hooves. The magitech within him is now so integrated that it cannot be separated from him, meaning a return to what he used to be as unlikely as a return to who he used to be.

Despite everything, Stormcast does occasionally have moments of surprising empathy and social grace, rare hints of who he once was.

Extras: Accepts any pronoun, has a mild preference for male pronouns.

Mated to Shadefinder.

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