I-1144: Deiene

Owned by Rílaméth

Personality: A peaceful, kind-hearted individual, Deiene loves to watch the nighttime sky. Though this is as much hobby as anything else, she also often perceives the future through them, when not in dreams. Having learned others are disinclined to believe her if she speaks her knowledge outright, Deiene has instead taken to offering gentle advice that helps to push people in more fortuitous directions. She asks for nothing in return for her advice, happy to help others avoid misfortune. Though an overall gentle soul, Deiene does not back down when pushed, having a surprising amount of steel under her normally serene exterior.

Extras: Deiene is Ipala's long-lost mate, and she hopes to reunite with him again.

Very soft-spoken.

Her name is pronounced dee-eh-nee.

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