Unicorn-Panda's Currency Logs
- 3000 Aurics
Shop Purchase (Purchased Makeover Token from The Drakiri Market)
2 years ago
- 5000 Aurics
Shop Purchase (Purchased Level-Match Ticket from The Drakiri Market)
2 years ago
- 2000 Aurics
Shop Purchase (Purchased Rarity Potion from The Drakiri Market)
2 years ago
- 3000 Aurics
Shop Purchase (Purchased Rare Marking Booster from The Drakiri Market)
2 years ago
- 1500 Aurics
Shop Purchase (Purchased Common Marking Reducer from The Drakiri Market)
2 years ago
- 8000 Aurics
Shop Purchase (Purchased Advanced Mutation Serum from The Drakiri Market)
2 years ago
- 8000 Aurics
Shop Purchase (Purchased Advanced Mutation Serum from The Drakiri Market)
2 years ago