Tofu's Family
The little birds chirp quietly as Tofu sings to the forest with her warm voice, she wasnt singing too loudly to disturb people but loud enough that the forest could appreciate her nice chocolatey voice. Tofu had sat herself next to a little rabbits nest as she sung she watched the nest seeing as a few little baby rabbits popped their heads out of the hole, they look up at Tofu a look of awe on their faces as they listened to their beautiful voice. Tofu could assume their mother must be out searching for food since only three little baby rabbits poked their heads out. Hesitantly the tiny baby rabbits came out of the hole and small step by small step made their way over to Tofu. She looks down at them and puts her head on the ground singing softly to them as they cuddle up next to her. Suddenly they hear rustling in the bushes and twigs snapping when a bright orange muzzle makes itself known slowly coming out of the bush looking at the tiny baby bunnies with hungry eyes as a scary snarl escapes its scary orange muzzle. The little baby bunnies squeak and hide behind Tofu's leg in fear. Tofu had been laying down singing to the bunnies so once she stood up she doubled the size of the now small fox. She glares at the little orange ball of fluff and growls at it stepping one of her big paws towards it her claws raking the ground. The fox yelps in fear its tail going in between its legs as it backs up into the bush before turning around and running away. "I may not have a drakiri family yet, but that doesnt mean that i dont have a family." She says as she looks down at the baby bunnies she was protecting. "The forest is my family." She says softening her gaze and going back down to the shaking and very scared baby bunnies. "Its ok little ones, the big mean fox is gone. You dont have to hide anymore, ok?" She says as she lays back down cuddling the little balls of fluff. Tofu uses her paw to push the baby bunnies back towards their burrow since thats where they would be the safest if something like that happened again. The little baby bunnies look up at Tofu with sad eyes before all three of the little fluff balls went back into their burrow. Tofu continued singing to the forest but this time she stood up and began walking around, a little blue jay sat on her shoulder chirping along to Tofus really beautiful chocolate singing. Most of Tofus species were pretty scary looking but Tofus natural color palette of whites and browns made her look less terrifying, she also had soft ears and cute horns which made her look more like a deer than a big scary monster. Tofu had grown up knowing the forest so even if she didnt have a drakiri family right now she knew she could always depend on her forest family, that being the birds, the bunnies, the bugs, badgers and almost any animal in the forest that didnt harm others for fun. She knew there was a cycle of life but she couldnt help but hate the fact that innocent lives had to be lost just for others to thrive, it reminded her too much of war. Any chance she got to protect the wildlife in the forest she took proudly, she knew that when she wasnt around things would happen that she couldnt stop but at least she could stop the stuff from happening while she was there, one day she will have to protect her own kids and give love and attention to her family. Tofu shakes her head of the thoughts of a drakiri family that was flooding her head, she knew she wasnt going to have a drakiri family anytime soon so why dwell on thoughts thatd only bring her spirits down? Tofu looks up at the sky she could see through the trees when she spots 2 big racoons sitting on a branch chirping together, she looks to the right of the branch that leads to the tree trunk and sees a hole. She watches it for a little bit before two little fluffy baby racoons chirp over at their parents. The racoon closest to the baby looks over at them and chirps back happily, the babies chirp happily too before one steps its paw onto the branch, it looks up at its parents before looking down at the ground and chirping in fear quickly going back into the hole. The big racoons go over to the hole and chirp at the kids and slowly another comes out, it wobbles a little bit on the branch but the big racoon makes sure it doesnt fall off and the baby chirps happily. Tofu sighs smiling up at the racoons, maybe one day that could be her, no matter how hard she tried she couldnt help but think about what itd be like if she had a drakiri family of her own.
Submitted By QueenAlpha
Submitted: 3 years ago ・
Last Updated: 3 years ago