[Roleplay] Health to the Company part 1

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Roleplay: Health to the Company part 1



The chill of the mountains lingered in Icarus's bones long after he left them behind. He didn't spend much time in the foothills, despite his weariness. He had considered returning to the farm, telling Milarose that he'd delivered the children to their new homes, but that was another week's worth of travelling in the opposite direction he wanted to go

 He made camp one night under the shelter of an old willow tree. There was a creek nearby from which he could drink, berries growing not too far from there, and there must have been a meadow of flowers somewhere close, as the smell of them lay heavily in the air. It was a nice place, a little chilly, but otherwise pleasant. He did have a blanket that was given to him by the old Q'Lin, Aelsa, but he preferred to use it as a pillow, as hard roots or firm-packed earth didn't appeal to him that night.

The small fire he had lit to cook the field mice and hare he'd caught in his traps that evening had died down to embers and Icarus watched the coals glow and dim until there was no light left. The sound of crickets chirping and night animals hooting and calling was nice to fall asleep to, he thought.




Clovarhak had finally left her home she grew up in her childhood, eager to start her adulthood. Having some vague idea where she wanted to look for, she set off.

The following few days after her departure was a lot of wonder and fortune as she explored the place and catching food when needed. That evening when Icarus made shelter under the willow tree, she had found the creek to drink from somewhere upstream. She then found a spot to settle for the night, letting the nightly sounds and the creek lull her to sleep.

The next morning, she was up early, stretching. Her limbs protested as she walked to the creek for a drink. It'll be some time till the limbs were awake fully, but she intended to hunt soon. Figuring that she may as well take her time, she walked about to warm up, bringing her closer to the old willow tree.




Normally, Icarus was a very light sleeper. The sound of a cricket near him would have woken him from a dead sleep. But he had been so tired lately, often he found himself sleeping well past sunrise and would wake to find small animals walking nearby that should have woken him sooner.

This morning was no exception, as it took several moments for Icarus's ears to twitch in the direction of the sound of footsteps. It took another moment before his eyes snapped open and he lifted his head sharply. He stood, trampling the remains of the fire he'd had last night in his haste.

The kainu looked around fretfully, nostrils flaring as he tried to catch the scent of whatever neared him--friend or foe? Prey or hunter? He had to blink several times to clear the sleep from his eyes, and still his limbs felt heavy like lead weights.




Clovarhak's footsteps were steady as she walked. She paused upon hearing frantic tramples before catching the scent of ashes. Realizing that the ashes were remains of a fire, she walked cautiously towards the direction of the tramples that had long since stopped.

She was not hiding as she walked towards the camp Icarus made, but she was not sure what she would find once she arrived.




The footsteps drawing nearer made Icarus's heart skip a beat. Adrenaline pushed the last of his weariness away and he was finally able to pinpoint where the footsteps came from. He'd waited too long and backed himself into a corner with the old willow tree's trunk behind him. It had many low-hanging branches and peering through the canopy if trailing leaves was like trying to look through a downpour.

He leaned down to grab his pack and his blanket roll from the ground, desperately hoping to avoid a fight. But when he finally emerged from the willow's branches he came face to face with a creature he had never seen before.

Icarus's jaw fell open and he stared as every hair on his pelt stood on end. He froze, unsure if he should run or say hello.




Clovarhak looked about, having trouble pin pointing where the ashes was. She did not really expect to be able to locate something that had likely was out for most of the night.

Distracted by the berries, she was munching on them. Seeing something suddenly appear out of the corner of her eye, she turned and saw the drak in front of the willows branches. After a moment of silence, she swallowed her mouthful.

"Uhh, hi?"




When the creature spoke Icarus flinched as if he'd been struck, his ears perking up as he studied her in confusion. He gave himself a slight shake as he reminded himself that he was, in fact, blessed with a tongue and should therefore use it.

"Hi! Hello, rather, um-- excuse me, my apologies I..." His voice drifted away as his golden eyes wandered, taking in the segments of her pelt with an expression of awe on his face. He stepped forward, hoof catching on the rolled up blanket he had dropped when he was startled, and let out a surprised oof of expelled air when he fell to his knee.

"Gods--" he said, standing up again and looking to the other. She spoke the common tongue, was she a drakiri as well? "That was...quite a first impression, I'm so sorry. I didn't intend to...be startled by you."




Watching and listening to the kainu amused Clovarhak. "I guess I am a bit of a surprise." She then tilted her head. "Are you alright? You had a fall earlier." She was about to approach when he fell earlier to help him up and had only stopped short when he got up by himself instead.




"Me? Help?" he asked, cursing himself silently. He shook his head and corrected, "No no, but thank you! I'm alright, it was just a stumble is all, see?"

He put his weight on his right foreleg and felt only a small ache in his knee. It would fade soon enough and thankfully become just another memory.

"Please forgive me, I hardly expected to find anyone here," he said, seeming to finally get ahold of himself. "Let alone another drakiri...I must be terribly rude, as I've asked your forgiveness twice already and must ask it a third time. I've never met a drakiri that looks as you do...what is your breed called?"




Clovarhak said nothing in response to his assurance that he was fine but merely get herself comfortable. However, she did start to chuckle when he asked about her breed. "Well, you're not wrong. This place don't have many drakiri here. I'm just passing by really." She paused mostly in thought. "Rude? Hm, you haven't been rude though? Well, as for myself, I am a Komakha. You're a.. Kainu, right?"




Icarus repeated the word in his head, even went so far as to mouth it. It felt strange on his tongue, but he liked it at the same time. Ko-mah-kah. He'd never seen this breed, let alone heard of it.

"I am!" he said, some of his usual excitement returning. "My name is Icarus Sinbad. Do you live around here? Admittedly I don't know much about this forest, I only ever really pass through it on my way from the mountains."




"Icarus," she said, making sure to get his name right. "Mine's Clovarhak. Some shortens it to Clovar. No, I don't live here. I grew up nearby and am out looking for a place to start my adulthood."

"The mountains? I have only seen it. I have yet to actually climb it."




It always gave him joy to hear his name come from another's mouth, he wasn't sure why. But knowing that someone else knew his name and knew his face pleased him greatly. Clovarhak. Now he knew her name and her face, and she would join the ranks of those he had recorded in his journals.

"Oh I've yet to climb the biggest one myself too," Icarus said with a chuckle. "Cold and I don't get along at all, and I've heard that is just about the coldest one can get in these lands. It would take a great deal of convincing to get me up there."

He turned his head to the east, relaxing a little more after his fright. "I had planned to travel more...would you care to join me? There are many lands between here and where I want to be, maybe you'll find a place you like on the way."




Clovarhak chuckled. "Probably why I have yet to climb. High places with cold don't appeal to me."

She perked up from his question. She hadn't considered having a travel partner until Icarus brought it up.  "Travel with you? Yes, I'd like that. Where are you traveling to?" She was glad that she came across someone that knew that area better than she did.




"Ultimately the beach," Icarus said with a dreamy expression. "I haven't been there in years and...someone I met recently reminded me that I should go. But the beach is a long way off, and there are many places to visit between here and there."

The dreaminess wavered in his expression and his ears flicked back as he cleared his throat gently. "I think I'd like to visit the fungal forest again. There's...I feel I have unfinished business there. Have you been there before?"




Clovarhak remained quiet as Icarus told her where he planned on going. She was less interested in the beach, but she did wonder who he planned on meeting there. Refocusing back to Icarus when he cleared his throat, she heard him mentioned the fungal forest. "I have not. What is it like?"




"It's...one of my least favorite places to visit, if I'm honest," Icarus said quietly. His brows knitted together as he looked down and away from the komahka. "I've been there multiple times, trying my best to document my time there, but every time I can't remember what I've seen when I make it out. It's like something is trying to keep me from exploring there. It's infuriating..."

He gave himself a light shake and bent down to pick up his bag, threading it carefully over his horns so it would settle over his neck and rest against his chest like a necklace. "I'm determined. I will not be thwarted again. I remember seeing mushrooms as tall as trees and that's about it."




It certainly sounded suspicious. Clovarhak had no idea whether if she would be alright there judging from what he had said. What if they got separated? It was one of those rare moments she wished she had a bit of knowledge to places she never been to.

"That sounds frustrating." Unlike Icarus, she had nothing on herself to carry things. It wasn't something she had considered, hoping for the best that she can figure out how to survive.




It was frustrating, and more than that it had caused problems already. He wanted to get this over with so he wouldn't have to return to that place again. Maybe this time if he had someone with him, things would turn out differently.

His ears pricked up again and he lifted his forelegs in a little excited dance before he said, "Let's go then! I have everything I need, do you? Oh--did you bring anything with you? I don't see any packs at all. I usually travel lightly though, so I understand if you don't!"




Clovarhak chuckled mostly out of embarrassment. "I have no idea what to pack really, so I'm kind of learning as I go. I suppose I'm ready."




"We can find somewhere to stop and get some supplies," Icarus chuckled right back. "The mice I catch won't be enough for both of us!"

He turned and strode away from the willow tree where he'd made his camp the night before, grateful that this interaction had turned out to be positive, and also grateful that he hadn't decided to take off in a panic after all. He was usually better at not overreacting like that, but after he'd been startled awake and the fog that seemed to have clouded his mind all this time, he supposed anything was possible.

"So you said that you're out on your own finding a place to put down roots," Icarus said as he walked at a fair pace, not quite a trot but not quite a stroll. "Do you have family encouraging you to do so? Or was it a decision you made yourself?"




Clovarhak nodded in agreement about the supplies before hearing about mice. "Mice? How are you hunting mice? I usually go for something like deer or rabbits if I'm lucky."

She got herself in step with Icarus as they started to leave the willow tree. "My family is pretty scattered. Plenty of half siblings from either parents, but I only get along with a few of them. It's just hard to make yourself belong in a family that doesn't stick together too well," she replied. "What about you? What make you travel around?"




Oh Icarus was very aware of how odd it was for him to catch mice, considering his size. But he didn't want to admit to a stranger that he couldn't stand the thought of killing a deer...he'd been desperate once upon a time and ran to catch one in an active hunt, but once he'd gotten it on the ground he couldn't bring himself to kill it.

"They taste better and I've got to keep my trim figure," he joked, but it was all he said on the matter.

"It sounds like the siblings you do get along with should be treasured then," Icarus said. "I have many siblings myself, but I'm the youngest. My parents started having children young, so by the time I came along the others were all gone out into the world. I travel because I hate to sit still, I get anxious and can't really force myself to stay in one place for longer than a couple of weeks, I'd say. It affords me the opportunity to see so many things, though, so I can't say I'm upset about it!"




Clovarhak tilted her head at the answer but didn't comment. Whatever the reason was, he didn't want to tell her. "Well, if you ever want some of my spoils, let me know."

She did agree on what Icarus said about treasuring the siblings she got along with. "Yeah, it's why I am hoping to find a place, so they can visit. Szaingenda had left a few months ago, and I have yet heard if she found a place yet. Lola is a bit young to leave, but she been quite a supporter."

"Then, you might visit?"




He remembered his closest sibling coming to visit once, when he was very, very young. He had only just figured out how to jump without falling when he landed and he jumped so much to show his brother that he was sore the next day. Siblings really meant the world to each other sometimes...

"Oh you can count on it," he said with a genuine, deep laugh. "That's one of the many things I do when I travel, visit all the people I've met in the past! I use their homes as landmarks to help me navigate. There's a sprite that lives a day's travel south by south west of here. But he's grumpy and doesn't care much for visitors if they don't send word ahead."




"That is really neat. Maybe I'll be one of those landmarks." She laughed, amused. "Wow, that sprite is living quite close. Heh, Lola's also a sprite but she have bantam as well." She paused upon realizing something. "So is my mom now that I think about it."




"Seems you'll have some variety if you have children in the future," Icarus chuckled. He grew more sober as he remembered something that he wasn't as fond of.

"I know a bantam dracus," he said. "He was the first bantam dracus I'd ever met, one of the first dracus even. He's with a friend of mine right now, learning some manners and better coping mechanisms for his anger, I hope."

He gave his head a light shake and looked ahead rather than behind. "I know many drakiri all over the world, I'm sure that if you can't find a place you like for yourself, we can find someone you can settle down with and then branch out on your own once you're ready."




"You can say that again. My other sibling I mentioned? She's a cross of Komakha and Kelpie. Our father's a Komakha." She noticed his sober expression and listened to him talk about the bantam dracus.

"I have yet met a dracus, but I heard of them." She thought about his offer. "I guess we will see. I been thinking about a warmer climate but have not settled on which type."




The only two dracus Icarus had met other than Helmi were Milarose and Azrinal. Gods he hoped that child was well...supposedly he would be back with Milarose and the others on the farm, he would have to stop and see Eirwyn sometime and ask if the child lived. As a matter of fact...

"There's someone I think you ought to meet," he said suddenly. "The climate she lives in isn't warm all the time, but it's nice. It's not too far from an ancient forest--another place I intend to visit in the near future. Her name is Eirwyn, she's a kainu healer and she's stubborn an hard-headed as an old mule. She's difficult to get along with at times, but she's fiercely loyal to those she cares for and her patients. She'll be on the way, I think it would be good to stop by for a visit, do you agree?"




Clovarhak perked upon Icaus suggestion. She hummed in thought. "Well, that is a good idea. You said she's a healer correct? Then, if we somehow gets hurt in the fungal forest, it'll be nice to have a healer look at it. Say, would things from there be good research material?"




"Eirwyn doesn't travel at all, so I would imagine she'd be interested in anything we brought her," Icarus said thoughtfully. "If we can get anything, that is. As I understand it, many of the flora in the fungal forest aren't exactly there to aid us in our journey...I've fallen prey to the wiles of the whisps. I fell ill after eating what I thought I had identified as an edible mushroom. And that's nothing to say of the fauna."

A shudder rippled down his spine, setting his fur on end as he recalled the nightmare that had charged him that night at the barn. It had been driven mad by...something. Someday he may have to figure out what it was, if he could.




"We will visit other places before her right? We could still get her something," Clovarhak replied, thoughtfully. "Sounds like you came across several things that are dangerous in there already." She wondered if something scary had happened that caused Icarus to shudder like that. She assumed the fungal forest based on their conversation.

"Anything I should be aware of in there?"




He glanced back at the komakha, uncertain if he should share with her what had happened. She hadn't seemed untrustworthy thusfar, and if she was planning to join him in the fungal forest, there really wasn't any reason for him to deny her the knowledge. She should know what she was getting into before she committed and travelled with him too much farther.

"There are monsters there," he said finally, his voice dull without his normal excitable intonations. "Not the kind of monsters told about in fairy tales and stories...the kind that follow you across a continent and attack friends you've only just made. Nightmares driven out of their mind by some other-worldly force, something that I'm sure we could come across ourselves if we're not careful."




The change of tone told her it was serious. Possibly a prior experience? From what he was saying, her assumption had been correct. "So, there's known and unknown dangers in the Fungal Forest. And you want to go back there?"




Did he want to go back there? Not necessarily...but he felt he had to. He'd never failed at something as badly as he had failed at this. Was it selfish of himt o want to continue trying? What if more people got hurt because of it?

"Adventure is frought with danger," he finally said, his tone sober. "If I worried about danger, I would never go anywhere or do anything. But I will admit...this forest fills me with apprehension. It makes me more determined than ever to keep trying."




She wondered what exactly was driving him to go there several times though she did not bother to ask him due to how vague his answers had been. She also thought there's a difference between knowing danger lying ahead and being reckless about it.

"Well, this time you're not going alone. And, maybe with some planning we can get through this. Food is obviously a necessity since it sounds like there isn't much we can eat in there. Maybe if we're lucky, we can find other things to aid us or protect us?"




"Planning seems to be something I lack," Icarus said, trying to smile. It didn't quite reach his eyes, but he wanted to dispell the somber tone that had settled over their discussion. "We'll find some things we can bring with us, I've got excellent relationships with many popular traders, they know I'm good for my word when I say I will pay my debts. I don't like to carry coin for...obvious reasons. But I pay my debts regardless."

They travelled together to a nearby town, it took the majority of the day and they arrived too late for them to visit the market square, so Icarus found them an inn and rented two rooms. It was a nice reprieve from sleeping out under the open sky on the cold, hard ground, and Icarus was finally able to get a good night's sleep.

In the morning, he rose later than he normally would, but still soon enough to meet Clovarhak and walk with her to the market. There he purchased saddlebags that he had fitted for himself and a satchel for his travelling companion. They visited various stalls to pick up tinder, a second flint and steel, matches, rations, another bedroll and a few other odds and ends that Icarus thought might serve them well.

"There's one more thing," he said before he trotted away and returned a few moments later with two soft black cloth sacks with long strings. "These can be worn over the muzzle to prevent inhaling spores...I suspect that may be something that has caused me difficulty in the past."




Clovarhak was not sure whether she should be impressed or worried by his lack of planning while traveling around. However, she did return the smile, happy that she at least helped. And, off they go, traveling to a nearby town.

She was used to sleeping outside, so sleeping in an inn was new for her. It took her some time to get comfortable and fall asleep for the night. Morning came, and she managed to get up in time to meet Icarus to walk to the market. She welcomed the walk to help wake her up more.

Once she got the satchel, she put it on and secured it, so it wouldn't move too much while she walked. She didn't mind carrying some of the stuff they'll need for their adventure. She was quite excited since the stuff they have made their trip feel like an adventure to explore.

She stayed where she was when Icarus told her there's one more thing to get. She looked at the items he had when he returned. She then nodded once he explained what they are. "I see. Good thinking." She accepted the mask and secured it in her bag for the time being. "Starting to feel like an adventure," she added with a grin.




Icarus gave himself a light shake to make sure his packs were strapped on tight enough and that they settled comfortably over the blanket he'd purchased as well. It would keep him from chafing and having his fur being rubbed raw as he walked, but the trade off was that it felt terribly restrictive. Was this why he preferred to travel lightly? Probably, but he had a travelling companion now, he would endure a slight amount of discomfort to make sure they were well prepared.

"Just wait until we hit the road," Icarus said, returning her grin with one of wreckless abandon, his golden eyes bright with the desire to move on. "And the first time we get lost! It's bound to happen, but eventually we'll find our way back to something familiar. I purchased a compass too, though I've no idea how to use it. I'm sure I could figure it out given enough time."




Clovarhak also have a blanket just in case the packs chafed her shell. Otherwise, she felt comfortable and not minding the slight pressure to keep the pack on her. In any case, they were ready to go!

She chuckled. "Exciting. Hm, I have heard a bit about compass. Haven't seen one in action though. So, I think we're ready now."




Icarus started out at a trot, excited and exuberant, eager to finally get moving. He'd travelled to this forest so many times already he practically had the route memorized, though he hoped this would be the last time this path led him to the fungal forest.

They travelled together in peace, chattering about their various interests and the few adventures they'd had together. Icarus was particularly fond of hearing about Clovarhak's interests, as he was not only learning about a new friend, but he was learning about a new breed of drakiri! Well, new to him anyway. He wondered how many other breeds were out there that he'd yet to come across.

One evening, Icarus pulled out his notebook and began to write in it, utilizing the skills he'd learned over the years to manipulate his pencil with magic. He looked across the small fire they'd set to cook their dinner, taking furtive glances at Clovarhak so it wouldn't be apparent that he was sketching her. He was no artist, but he could do well enough so the illustrations were identifiable.

They arrived at the forest without incident, but as they drew nearer Icarus became more restless.. He requested that they make camp until the height of afternoon, insisting they hunt and eat beforehand so they wouldn't be tempted to eat anything in the forest. He stood beside his packs, gazing at the dense line of dark trees he could see from the hill where they had decided to rest, transfixed already and shuddering visibly.




Clovarhak had no problems keeping up with Icarus's trot, also excited for the trip. Unaware of Icarus's thoughts, she kept a small lookout to ensure nothing was going to surprise attack them as well as to enjoy the scenery. She defer to Icarus upon directions to their designation.

Clovarhak did not have very many adventures to tell aside from her family trips and how she started off on her own. She did listen to whatever Icarus told her of his adventures. As for her interests, she told him that small critters interested her and those that have similar armored shells. Scaled creatures were next in the list of interests. She mentioned trying out some hobbies even though none of them had stick yet. She also answered truthfully to the best of her ability about her breed between her father and herself as well as her crossbreed sibling.

She did learn how to read but was limited in actually writing anything. Watching him manipulate the pencil was impressive. Somehow, she had yet to notice him taking glances at her to sketch her that evening. On one particular day, she was having little luck in hunting, failing to catch a deer that pranced by their camp. She had came up to their camp panting. Basically, she had seen the deer some distance away from the camp and tried sneaking towards it. The deer had noticed and starts running off with her giving chase. She was unable to close the distance in time and ended up arriving to camp needing a break.

She explained to Icarus that she does have rules for her hunts. If the deer was able to notice and escape, she simply lets them go. She was not able to run very fast for very long, but she was good at tracking and giving a slow chase. However, she preferred to focus on deer or other animals that are not young and unable to survive due to age or health reasons.

She started to notice Icarus being more restless as they got closer. She still had questions to ask but had kept them quiet. Upon reaching the edge of the forest, she blinked at the change of scenery. She did not question his decision to make camp and ensuring they had ate. Leaving her pack with him, she went off to hunt. She came back, noticing him staring at something. She quietly crept up to him, seeing him shudder. "Is winter coming or a chill bothering you?" she asked suddenly.




Icarus jumped at the sudden appearance of the komahka, the trance the forest already seemed to hold over him broken by panted breaths and lost hunts. He turned to look at her and gave himself a shake, ears twitching back as it took a moment for him to process the question that was asked of him.

"Winter certainly is on its way, but no I've not caught a chill," he said, glancing once more at the forest. "If I'm honest...I'm nervous."




Clovarhak walked up next to Icarus now that he was aware of her presence. She was quietly thinking of how to comfort him in addition to being next to him.  Would a pat or something be helpful? "About our walk in that forest?"




He was grateful for Clovarhak's presence, and he let her know by gently touching her leg with his tail for a moment.

"That and...just a general anxiety I think," he said. "I don't know that I have the words yet to explain it. I'm sure it will pass, though."

He looked over his shoulder at his friend and couldn't help but to smile. "I don't see this becoming easier the more time passes, shall we go now?"




Clovarhak returned the smile with her own. "I'm ready, yes. Did you manage to eat?" She asked because she knew that nerves tend to mess up a drak attempt to eat, so she wanted to be sure he had enough to eat.




"I ate," Icarus said with a nod. He wasn't terribly hungry but he'd made himself cook a couple of hares that he managed to catch using a snare along a track he'd found. They'd been tough and grisely but he'd forced them down, for fear of growing too hungry in the fungal forest.

"We should put our masks on before we go in," he said as he used magic to lift his saddle blanket from where it rested on the ground and settle on his back. His bags, bedroll and waterskin came next. The buckle that held the largest bag open unlatched itself and he put it over his muzzle. It felt strange to wear, but he would rather the minor discomfort than risk going into the forest without it.

Then he walked forward into the trees, trying to ignore the cold shudder that travelled down his back despite the warmth he could feel emanating from the rot on the floor of the forest.




Satisfied with the answer, she got her pack as well as putting on her mask. Once she felt comfortable and the pack was secure, she was ready.

She walked next to him as they headed into the trees. While she was not feeling the dread like Icarus was, she was not exactly cheerful. Aside from vague warnings from Icarus, she have very little knowledge of the fungal forest they're now walking into. The warmth of the floor was unexpected.




Despite being so much more prepared than he was the last several times he'd come to this forest, Icarus was still terribly nervous. He hated the thought of what could be lurking around each tree trunk. He saw the towering mushrooms the size of their woody neighbors, but couldn't even be impressed this time. This adventure had been fun up until now...now he wasn't enjoying himself very much.

He gave his head a derisive shake, irritated with himself for feeling this way. Everything would be fine...Clovarhak was here with him, they could defend each other.

"I wish there were better maps of this place available," he lamented as he stepped toward a felled log and jumped up onto it, lifting his head to look around. "It would be easier to tell where we needed to go... though I can't imagine there are many cartographers who would want to come here."

As he turned his head, he thought he saw a light shining to his left. He purposefully looked away, knowing why he had been distracted the last time he was here. That was probably why he didn't see the eyes that flash of light belonged to.




Clovarhak was sensing something strange with the forest as they entered. Her lack of knowledge of what causing it was not helping matters. Instead, she kept an eye and her senses out as she walked. Seeing the towering mushrooms for the first time was a sight to behold. She wondered what caused such small fungus to grow into a size of a tree.

She turned her focus to Icarus when he started talking. "Maybe it's easier to have the residents make maps, but I hear they're aggressive sorts. Kind of a dead end there as well." She did some looking around herself which meant she did not see Icarus suddenly adverting his gaze from the light.

A few moments later, she saw the light Icarus saw previously and tilted her head curiously at it. They seemed to be a pair of eyes?

[Roleplay] Health to the Company part 1
0 ・ 0
In Rites of Passage ・ By Hellcatstrut, PeachmintTea

Total word count: 5802

Rites of Passage for Clovarhak.

Submitted By PeachmintTea
Submitted: 2 years agoLast Updated: 2 years ago

Hellcatstrut: RP Partner
PeachmintTea: RP Partner
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